the oldest castle in Lidzbark Warmiński

Lidzbark Warmiński Castle

About 30 km away from the Polish-Russian border there is a nice little town called Lidzbark Warmiński. Its main attraction is the castle of the same name, which once belonged to the Teutonic Order. It was owned by many princes, bishops of Varmia and the famous scientist Nicolaus Copernicus.


Once the area was inhabited by the Prussians. It was home to a small settlement and a castle. But in 1240 a battle occurred and the area was seized by Crusaders. Three years had passed since then and the area became part of Varmia. After a few more years, a full-fledged town was formed. The construction of the castle began in 1350. The building process lasted for 51 years.

The first owner of the building was the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order. The castle served as his residence, where he worked and hosted guests. After him, the property belonged to many other personalities. During 4 centuries the castle survived 6 major fires. But each time it managed to be rebuilt.

For about 7 years the castle served as the home of the famous astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus. The castle was the property of his uncle Lukáš Vatzenrode. Nicolas worked for him as a secretary and physician. Some historians have noted that it was in the castle that the scientist began his work “On the rotation of the celestial spheres”.

In the 16th century, the idea of the castle changes. The castle was turned from a defensive building into a residence. The castle premises are decorated with luxurious furnishings and unique paintings. The castle premises are furnished with sumptuous furnishings and unique paintings, while the castle has a large library. This change of look and purpose attracts the attention of the public.

The creation of the south wing started in 1666. The works take about 7 years. The castle becomes the bishop’s house for representative tasks. But in 1703 the building was taken over by Charles XII. The outcome of those events was the robbery of the library and gallery.

History of Lidzbark-Warmiński Castle

The fate of the castle

The first partition of the Polish state occurred in 1772. The Lidzbark Warmiński estate came under Prussian rule. The valuables in the castle became national treasures and later disappeared. The couple marked the beginning of the decline of the palace.

The year 1807 is famous for Napoleon’s battle with General Bennigsen. The French commander intended to prevent the Russian army from gaining access to the supply bases. However, his intentions did not materialise. The castle was not used during the battle, but the after-effects of the battles were somewhat reflected in it.

Between 1858 and 1932, the palace was used as an orphanage and a hospital. World War II brought its own changes, which turned the castle into a prison for Soviet soldiers. During the liberation of the town from the Nazis, the palace sustained only minor damage despite the devastation around it. Since then, some restoration work has been carried out on the palace. The castle was again destroyed by a major fire in 1994, but the fire also managed to save the castle.

Today there is a museum in the castle. Among the exhibits are weapons, antique furniture and paintings. You can also visit the room where Nicolaus Copernicus once lived. One part of the palace is occupied by a 4-star hotel. You can enjoy the swimming pool, sauna and other spa treatments on the grounds.

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